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There are many poems on this topic on The War Poetry website.
On Radio Watch
ReplyDeleteBoots up on desk, all’s quiet, it’s two thirty a.m.
Bored, I read a book, or clean my rifle, or think about home
Especially home
Christmastime’s been and gone, they celebrated without me
Yet with me, strangely
There’s no sound on the radio, nothing’s going off tonight
Whoosh, flash, the schermoulie’s gone up
BOOM! I’m startled from my reverie
The loudest noise I’ve ever heard
I fall from my chair
Shit, what the hell was that?
Mate, wake up, something’s going off tonight
Frantically turning the radio dial
Still nothing
Did I miss the tell-tale?
Trying to stay calm, but my heart’s beating like a machine gun
Stood down, there’s no-one injured this time
Could have sworn there was nothing going off tonight
by Russell Makinson
I write this poem from personal experience of my time in Afghanistan. For those who don't know, a schermoulie is a night-time illumination flare, and on this particular night was set off by the guard of the base when he spotted some unexpected movement outside the base.
A Mourning Soldier.
ReplyDeleteRow upon Row carved in to stone,
the names of the soldiers, who never came home,
You recognise many but there were some that you knew,
Your friends that shared moments on tour with you.
You may feel guilt that your'e stood there today,
and all you can do, is a poppy wreath lay,
but treasure this silence and know deep inside,
they fought for their country, their kingdom their pride.
So take your memories, knowledge and thought,
stand proud at this memorial for those who have fought,
for you were the lucky one, you came back home,
be proud my man, for your never alone.
By Hannah Carpenter Author of I am with you.
This was written after going to The national war arboretum to lay a poppy wreath for my fiances friend who he shared a tour with.
Still In Arms
ReplyDeleteR.M. Jacobs
breathe in,
breathe out slowly.
Push, cry
push, cry
breathe – breathe in,
thank God.
ten fingers, ten toes.
Holding him in arms
close to my breast
nurturing his needs
so easy
when he was
ten moments into
life outside
of me.
ten thousand kilometers away
still in arms
but differently
I wonder
does he cry,
does he breathe,
is he ten hundred years old
of everything?
This was the first of a series that began when my son was deployed in 2009/10. I write from the helpless emotions contained in the wait, wait for word, wait for calls, wait for the return.
We didn’t eat well, in the 'stan'
ReplyDeleteWe didn’t eat well, in the 'stan'
The blood, the rats, and congealed sand
From bullets to bombs, from mud to guts
To broken children and terrorist hunts
We didn’t eat will, in the 'stan'
What hope we had to clear this land
We cried we laughed, we died as well
This life of war, is a life of hell
We didn’t eat well, in the 'stan'
I've shaken it now, I must I'm a man
I'll never forget the bonds forged
Nor the torso's, the legs, the arms just torn
We didn’t eat well, in the 'stan'
My mother would kill me if she know who I am
I served with honor, I laughed at fear
I cry in my sleep now, of the devils snear
We didn’t eat well, in the 'stan'
The rats they loved it at the Trench café stand
Ill hope for my brothers, the ones that are gone
To their kids sing daddy is brave and strong….
Jason Owen (AUS)
Fallen Soldiers
ReplyDeleteAs I watched the trucks go by
With two caskets lined up side-by-side
I could not help but wonder
At the Essence of our grief
As we gave our salutes goodbye
Under the moonlit sky
The mountains were clothed in serenity
As the valley dust whistled in the air
The words of Sisyphus harkin to our ears
That life’s laden tasks are ours to bare
As I watched the plane arrive
With two caskets waiting side-by-side
I could not help but wonder
At the nature of our lives
As the tears began to fall
Under the moonlit sky
The Engines Roared to life’s unrest
As voices echoed a world’s lament
Sisyphus rises to thoughts reborn
As we wait at heaven’s gate
As I watched the crew walk by
With two Caskets lined up side-by-side
I could not help but wonder
At the pain they held so dear
As our fear began to rise
Under the moonlit sky
The tractor’s squealed as if in pain
Their burden’s heavy without refrain
Sisyphus weeps as if to say
Two more hero’s have died today
As I watched the base go by
With two caskets flying side-by-side
I could not help but wonder
At the nature of our quest
As the air grew cold
Under the moonlit sky
The Clouds hover beneath our wings
As angels sing our souls to flight
We fell to man’s disgrace
As others toil in our wake
As we watched the crowds go by
Our caskets moving side-by-side
We could not help but wonder
At the nature of their cries
As the hatred filled their eyes
Under the moonlit sky
The soundless tremors of the earth
Lay quiet before the storm
As Sisyphus rises to wage his war
We each decry our given fate
As we watch our families go by
Our two caskets lined up side-by-side
I could not help but wonder
At the nature of our lives
As the love streamed from their eyes
Under the moonlit sky
My name is Lewis Campbell, each line of this
poem represents one fallen soldier's pass and review as their bodies were taken to a waiting plane to be delivered home
I wrote this during the 18 months of my last tour in Afghanistan.....
ReplyDeleteMedal of Honor, five pointed star of war,
Clover-like leaves trembling in sun and wind,
Pointed and tipped to the gallantry of death,
Wounded or killed with your names inscribed
for the “VALOR” that only the dead children, women,
old men knew and took to blood soaked graves,
Minerva’s head, O how her shield stands proud!
Roman-like, she bears the weight of sorrow, her left hand
out stretched on the bundle of rods of ancient authority.
That Roman air putrefied by invasions and crucifixions,
Where is thy crown and oak of authority now?
Minerva with her shield holding off the snakes of Discord,
The bugler boy now dead and no longer in the barracks,
The schooling and mastery of insidious behavior
etched invisibly in the Blue-bird Ribbon that is displayed
proudly around your necks, that medal now pinned
over the left breast where the heart beats
in the early morning dawn of this May.
Luis Lázaro Tijerina
Burlington, Vermont May 28th, 2012
Epitaph for Afghanistan
ReplyDeleteYet still the toll is rising, and muted drums beat, low,
While more young lives are squandered by those who do not know
Or seem to care, for they, naïve and blind, would never see
The sights and sounds of battle, and man’s inhumanity.
For glory, there is none, save in romantic poets prose,
The shining deeds of derring-do which vanquish all our foes
Are mostly works of fiction, the truth will never sell,
Known all too vividly by those who lived this man-made hell.
Of bravery there is no doubt as with each dawning day
A soldier knows full well that he could be the one who pays
The price that many have before, and no doubt will, again,
Yet discipline and duty means he will endure the pain.
For pain it is to see his comrades fall, to hear their cries,
As desperately he binds their wounds in anguished bid to try
To staunch their life-blood as it flows, staining the very ground,
That they came to protect, defend, by oath of loyalty bound.
Yet even as they fight to help this wild, benighted nation,
Observing all the carnage, they must feel the desperation
That others armies felt in many decades past, as they
In their turn, tried to show these warring peoples peaceful ways.
It is a soldier’s lot to perform many thankless tasks,
And without question he will do as senior leaders ask.
But they who lead must also do their duty to their men,
And give them respite when a futile campaign is in vain.
The time has surely come when truth and reason will prevail,
With no more lives lost needlessly as valiantly they fail
To carry out the tasks that politicians glibly frame,
They now deserve to come home without ignominy or shame.
My Hero
ReplyDeleteYou kiss me an say "please don't fret"
As tears crash down, our cheeks all wet
"I love you" you say, as you walk away
I whisper, "you too" and begin to pray
I know you are hurting, it hurts me too
I'd do anything to swap places, let them hurt me and not you
No words can describe, the loss and the dread
The heartbreaking images and thoughts in my head
That I won't see you again, or kiss your lips
Or feel your hand in my fingertips
As you disappear, into the unknown
I wait and I wait until you have flown
The silence, for hours or days, until we can speak
Is deafening to my ears and it makes my heart weak
All I have is a picture, a moment frozen in time
All I want is you home, you safe and all mine
Please come back safely, I'll not rest till you do
I'll be here waiting, forever, for you.
My hero
By Cara Bethell
My husband served in Iraq 2005 and Afghanistan 2007. This is for him, he is my hero and came back safely to me. X
A Day To Remember
ReplyDelete"Always remember,
Never forget!
It is, after all freedom,
They sought to protect!
Fighting in trenches,
Deserts and plains,
On dirty beaches,
They left their remains,
Honour the fallen,
Respect the dead,
For they gave us our freedom,
Nothing more to be said."
DK Godfrey 10 Nov 12
Afghan Patrol
ReplyDeleteHelmet, pooches, rifle,
Ready for patrol,
Long days in this heat,
Is not good for the soul.
Are the Taliban waiting,
To take another shot,
Or will they plant a dirty bomb,
And blow the bloody lot.
Shouting, screaming! In such pain,
Where are all my mates?
Please don't leave me all alone,
I'm bleeding, I'm scared, Is it too late?
Quick-Clot, tighten tourniquet,
Morphine in the thigh,
Hang on in there Buddy!
You are not going to die!
9 liner on the radio,
Chinook in the sky,
Thank you to the MERT heroes,
The speed in which they fly.
Thump, thump, thump!
50 Cal, watch my tracer fall,
Enemy engaged and neutralised,
Time to make that call.
Rotors turning overhead,
Racing through the sky,
Hang in there mate, you'll be OK!
I heard my Fire-team cry.
The Golden-Hour saved me,
Of that I can be sure,
Thanks to my mates, the medics and pilots,
Who brought me my best cure.
Rehab wasn't easy,
But nothing worth it is,
I now have legs and strength again
Enjoying all the fizz.
Goodbye Afghanistan,
I hope you find your peace,
We left you schools, education,
And we trained your Army and Police.
DK Godfrey 11 Nov 12
Dedicated to the Emergency Medical staff and fellow Rehabilitation Professionals of the British Armed Forces
I Walk Alone
ReplyDeleteI walk alone along the street
Faces blur, I just see feet
As I push my way out through the crowd
I’m not here, I’m falling down
Breathing out, breathing in
Dark and black through my head spin.
I walk alone full of despair
Some people turn, some people stare
No-one can help me, some have tried
To ease the pain the tears inside
The tightness grips my heart, the pain
Will never leave, my life’s in vain.
I walk alone my love has died
A cruel and twisted turn in life
My lips are numb, my feet are lead
Please someone help me clear my head
Despair and rage I stumble down
Some helps me off the on the ground.
I walk alone this busy street
Some heads turn, some others greet
My mouth is dry I cannot speak
The dreadful words I must repeat
He’s dead, he’s died my child has gone
War has taken my brave son.
I walk alone, freedom is won
In this land where I belong
But others do not have the choice
Freewill to act or sound their voice
We tried to help, protect, survive
But is their hope worth all our lives?
Tricia Lucas-Clarke
In memory of a friends son killed by allied fire in Afghanistan
The Animals I Observe
ReplyDeleteThe dust on the street turns into water, then turns into mud, then it becomes the footprints of the animals I observe.
Cocker spaniel searches a truck for bombs. Some kind of spaniel, I think.
Birds land in a puddle.
Cats stalk around a dumpster.
Cat shits in the volleyball court sand.
Goats in the street eat trash.
Black and white crows followed me from Rish Khvor.
Millions of ants carrying tiny leaves through the grass.
Andy Phillips (USA)
Dedicated to Afghanistan's wildlife
ReplyDeleteHi mum made back safe to sunny afghan, R&R was great, just getting my kit together no need to be sad, oh can you say hi to dad.
Hi mum just waiting to go up to the Forward Operating Base cant wait to finally get out of this place
Hi mum got your parcel today shared the sweets with the guys loved the photos, brought a tear to my eyes.
Hi mum just got woke up again shots fired by the Taliban spent most of the day stood to with my mate wee Dan
Hi mum its me the pest just back from a long patrol just thought I would drop you a wee message before I head for a rest
Hi mum I’m feeling down and sad one of the boys was killed today he will be missed he was a great lad.
Hi mum off out on a big patrol so will be out of contact for a few days don’t worry its an easy one the sergeant says
Dear mum this is the medic by now you will know your son has passed on a few days ago just after seven, his last words to me were tell mum and dad not to feel sad I will see them again in heaven.
Copyright © 2013 Tom Murray All Rights Reserved
I’m Coming Home
ReplyDeleteAs I wave goodbye and walk away the kisses and cuddles from my loved ones still fresh in my mind I set my sights on what will be my new daily grind. To Afghanistan I flew to fight for my country, I’m with my brothers, never alone, a promise made to my family. I’m coming home.
Day in day out protecting the base, going on patrol our sole aim, avoiding deaths ugly face. Living in conditions that are a right state whilst civvies whinge with hate “you joined up so why do you moan”? I don’t care but if they think they can do better they are welcome to take my place, if they dare. I only know. I’m coming home.
Taking fire, it’s all go now need to get across this streambed then, “ pow”, feels like I’ve been punched like a boxer in the final round. All I can hear now is “man down, man down” will this be my last sound? I can see the medics and my mates working on me till I breathe my last as I’m carried from the field under the rotors hurricane blast, it’s finally got through my dome……. I’m coming home.
Now they are all gathered round, family crying, mates recalling the best of times, the only sound, I’m carried in my union flag draped coffin on my final journey and laid in the ground, no more crying no more sound….. I’m home.
Copyright © 2013 Tom Murray All Rights Reserved
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ReplyDelete"War Poetry Afghanistan" intricately weaves together the raw emotions, harrowing experiences, and profound reflections of those who have witnessed the crucible of conflict. This anthology serves as a haunting testament to the human toll of war, capturing the turmoil, resilience, and anguish that define the Afghan conflict. Through vivid verses and poignant prose, it navigates the complexities of conflict, shedding light on the shattered lives, enduring courage, and unspoken traumas of both soldiers and civilians. This collection transcends the battlefield, offering a poignant glimpse into the hearts and minds of those deeply affected by the war in Afghanistan, leaving an indelible impression that reverberates long after the last verse is read.
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ReplyDeleteThis review explores war poetry centered on Afghanistan, highlighting its emotional impact and the significance of expressing complex emotions related to the conflict. The review is accessible and engaging for readers interested in the intersection of poetry and the Afghan war. The inclusion of specific poems or poets could add depth and encourage exploration. Overall, the review is well-crafted and thought-provoking, inviting readers to explore the powerful world of war poetry centered on Afghanistan.
In Afghan dust, echoes of strife,
ReplyDeleteMountains witness a soldier's life.
Whispers of war pierce the night,
Courage ablaze in the Afghan fight.
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ReplyDeleteWar poetry from Afghanistan captures the raw emotions and harsh realities of conflict. Through vivid imagery and poignant words, poets convey the human toll and devastation of war, offering insights into the experiences of soldiers and civilians alike. These poems serve as powerful expressions of resilience, sorrow, and hope amidst the chaos of battlefields and shattered communities. They provide a voice to those affected by war, shedding light on the complexities of armed conflict and its lasting impact on individuals and societies.
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ReplyDeleteWar Poetry Afghanistan is a collection of poetry written by individuals, soldiers, civilians, or observers, reflecting on the experiences, emotions, and consequences of the war in Afghanistan. The collection offers a poignant and deeply personal insight into the human toll of conflict, capturing the raw emotions and complex realities faced by those directly impacted. The poems in War Poetry Afghanistan serve as a powerful platform for voices that might otherwise go unheard, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit amidst adversity. The poets featured in the collection demonstrate remarkable courage and vulnerability in sharing their experiences.
In Afghan sands, where echoes cry,
ReplyDeleteWar poetry scribes the soul's deep sigh.
Through verses penned on strife and pain,
Hope's whispered breath, amid the slain.
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ReplyDelete"War Poetry Afghanistan" is a comprehensive review of war poetry, focusing on the experiences of soldiers and civilians affected by the Afghanistan War. It explores themes such as loss, trauma, sacrifice, and the human cost of war, as well as the works of notable poets, language, imagery, emotional impact, cultural context, and reception.
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War Poetry from Afghanistan presents poignant reflections on the human experience amid conflict, capturing the emotional and psychological toll through evocative verse. It provides a powerful narrative that resonates with the realities and complexities of war-torn landscapes in Afghanistan.
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War poetry about Afghanistan captures the raw emotions, harrowing experiences, and profound reflections of soldiers and civilians affected by the conflict. These poems often highlight themes of loss, resilience, and the search for meaning amidst chaos. Through vivid imagery and poignant narratives, they provide a powerful and personal insight into the realities of war.
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ReplyDelete"War Poetry Afghanistan" provides a moving look into the unfiltered feelings and brutal facts of war. It paints a clear image of the Afghan experience with heartbreaking honesty, capturing the sorrow, fortitude, and perseverance of individuals touched by war via evocative verse.General law encompasses rules and regulations established by governments to maintain order, protect rights, and ensure justice. It includes civil, criminal, and administrative law, governing areas like contracts, property, and personal conduct. Law serves to resolve disputes, penalize unlawful actions, and provide a framework for societal functioning, ensuring fairness and security within the community.
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If your coinbase account restricted, it could be due to various reasons, such as unusual account activity, failure to complete verification, or violating Coinbase's terms of service. To resolve this issue, log into your account and check for any notifications or requests for additional information. Completing any pending verifications or updating your information might help restore access. If the issue persists, contact Coinbase support for assistance. They can guide you through the necessary steps to lift the restriction and regain full access to your account.
ReplyDeleteA Transaction in Coinbase Wallet involves sending or receiving cryptocurrency directly through the wallet interface. Users can seamlessly manage their assets, execute trades, or interact with decentralized applications (dApps). The wallet provides a secure and private environment for transactions, ensuring that users maintain control over their private keys and funds. With Coinbase Wallet, users can easily access their digital assets and perform transactions without needing to rely on third-party services, making it a versatile tool for managing and using cryptocurrencies.
ReplyDeleteIf your coinbase balance not showing, first check if the app or website is up to date. Ensure you're connected to the internet and try refreshing the page or restarting the app. If the problem persists, clear your browser cache or app data. You can also check Coinbase's status page for outages or contact their support for further assistance.
ReplyDeleteIf you're experiencing a "No Connection" coinomi no connection, it typically indicates a problem with your internet or the app's servers. To resolve this, ensure you have a stable internet connection and try restarting the app. If the problem persists, check for app updates or visit Coinomi's support page for further assistance.
ReplyDeleteTo Withdraw Money from Crypto DeFi Wallet, connect the wallet to a compatible decentralized exchange (DEX). Select the cryptocurrency you wish to convert to fiat, execute the swap, and transfer the converted funds to a centralized exchange. From there, you can withdraw the money to your bank account. Always double-check wallet addresses to avoid errors.
ReplyDeleteIf your Coinbase Account Under Review, it may be due to suspicious activity, verification issues, or security concerns. During this period, account access might be limited. To resolve the issue, check your email for instructions from Coinbase, and provide any requested information. Contact Coinbase support for further assistance, and ensure your account details are up to date.
ReplyDeleteIf your coinbase balance not showing, it could be due to a temporary glitch, account synchronization issues, or an update delay. Ensure you're using the latest app version and try refreshing the page or logging out and back in. If the problem persists, contact Coinbase support for further assistance to resolve the issue and access your funds.
ReplyDeleteIf your Coinomi wallet is experiencing a "coinomi no connection" issue, ensure your internet connection is stable and try restarting the app. Clear the app's cache, update to the latest version, or check if the Coinomi server is down. If the problem persists, consider switching networks or reinstalling the app for a fresh start.
ReplyDeleteIf your Coinbase Account Under Review, it typically means the platform is conducting a routine check to ensure compliance with its security policies. Unusual activity or verification requirements can trigger reviews. During this period, certain account functions may be temporarily restricted. Contact Coinbase support for more information or wait for the review process to be completed.
ReplyDeleteTo Fix Internal JSON-RPC Error in Metamask first try clearing your browser's cache or the app’s cache if you're using the mobile version. Ensure MetaMask and your browser are updated to the latest versions. If the issue persists, switch networks or reset your MetaMask account under settings. This won’t affect your funds but may resolve the error.
ReplyDeleteTo Withdraw Money from Crypto DeFi Wallet, first, connect the wallet to a centralized exchange that supports your cryptocurrency. Transfer the desired amount from your DeFi wallet to the exchange, where you can sell your crypto for fiat currency. Once sold, initiate a withdrawal to your linked bank account. Always double-check transaction details to avoid errors.
ReplyDeleteIf Coinomi shows "coinomi no connection available, " check your internet connection and ensure it’s stable. Try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data or restarting your device. If the issue persists, clear the app’s cache or reinstall it. Make sure Coinomi is updated to the latest version. Lastly, check if the Coinomi servers are experiencing downtime or maintenance.
ReplyDeleteTo Deposit GBP in Coinbase account, first, log in and navigate to the "Portfolio" section. Select "Deposit" next to the GBP wallet, and choose the "Bank Deposit" option. You'll receive Coinbase’s bank details and a reference number. Use these details to initiate a bank transfer from your UK bank account. Ensure you include the reference number to avoid delays. Bank transfers typically take 1-3 business days, and once processed, your GBP will be available in your Coinbase account for trading or withdrawal.
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ReplyDeleteCoinbase Account Restrictions can occur for various reasons, including violations of platform policies, suspicious activity, or issues related to account verification. Restrictions may limit your ability to buy, sell, or withdraw cryptocurrency. Common causes include incomplete identity verification, failed transactions, or security concerns such as multiple failed login attempts. To resolve restrictions, ensure your identity verification is up to date, review any emails from Coinbase regarding the restriction, and follow the instructions provided. In some cases, you may need to contact Coinbase support for further assistance in lifting the restrictions.
ReplyDeleteTo Transfer Money from Venmo to Cash App, you’ll need to link a mutual bank account to both apps. First, transfer your funds from Venmo to your linked bank account by selecting “Transfer to Bank” in Venmo and choosing the bank account. Once the funds are available in your bank account, open Cash App, tap “Add Cash,” and transfer the desired amount from your bank to Cash App. Unfortunately, there’s no direct transfer option between Venmo and Cash App, so using a bank account is necessary.
ReplyDeleteWarPoetryWritersZone is a powerful platform that showcases the emotional and raw expression of poets reflecting on the realities of war. It offers a space for both emerging and established writers to share their perspectives, blending personal experiences with historical context. The site fosters a creative community centered around the impactful themes of conflict, sacrifice, and resilience.
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ReplyDeleteWar Poetry Writers Zone is a dedicated platform for exploring and sharing poetry that captures the emotional and psychological impacts of war. Featuring works from various perspectives, it provides a space for both historical and contemporary reflections on conflict, resilience, and loss. This zone is a compelling resource for readers and writers drawn to powerful, evocative expressions of wartime experiences. Reckless Driving Lawyer Amelia VA
"War Poetry Afghanistan" offers a powerful and poignant collection that captures the harrowing realities of conflict. Through vivid imagery and raw emotion, the poems reflect the experiences of soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan. The collection explores themes of loss, survival, and the psychological toll of war. It provides a profound insight into the human cost of the ongoing conflict in the region.virginia prostitution laws
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ReplyDeleteWarPoetryWritersZone is a platform dedicated to exploring the profound impact of war through poetry. It features works from poets who have experienced conflict firsthand, offering readers a poignant glimpse into the realities of war. The site serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of literature and wartime experiences. human trafficking defense lawyer
ReplyDelete"War Poetry Afghanistan" provides a moving, intensely emotional examination of what it's like to be human during times of war. The anthology offers readers honest, moving observations that evoke the hardships, sorrow, and resiliency of those impacted by war. An inspiring and poignant ode to Afghanistan's resilient character.
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ReplyDeleteOrganizations like the War Poets Association are dedicated to studying and promoting war poetry, providing resources and platforms for both historical and modern works. The significance of war poetry lies in its ability to offer personal perspectives on the impacts of war, serving as both historical documentation and a means of emotional expression. For those interested in exploring or contributing to this genre, numerous online platforms and communities are available, offering opportunities to engage with a diverse range of war-related poetic works.
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